At the start of 2010, I set a some goals for myself. This year was the year I wanted to kick things up a notch. This year I wanted to take my business to the next level. This year I wanted to update my graphic design skills. And this year I wanted to get fit and healthy.
While I have been working on the first two goals, the last one, the getting fit and healthy one was not going so well. And I realised it was suddenly SEPTEMBER and I was still not fit and I was still not healthy. And in fact, I felt worse than ever. Sluggish. Tired. Carrying around an extra stomach. Struggling to feel good in my clothes. And just feeling blah!
Then I chanced upon this Facebook page.
So several weeks ago, along with my mum, I joined Michelle Bridges 12 Week Body Transformation (12WBT) program which officially kicked off on Monday this week.
It's a BIG, HUGE, SCARY deal for me to have done this and also to be blogging about it. I was originally going to just quietly go about my business, follow the program, hopefully losing those 7kgs I need to shift and not saying anything to anyone. And I guess that way, IF I didn't stick to the program or it didn't work, or I hated it, then no one would know. Right?
BUT part of the program is to SAY IT OUT LOUD and announce it to family and friends and on Facebook or via blogs as this will motivate us to reach our goals and make us more accountable for what we are doing.
And then we had pre-season tasks before the official kick off on Monday and I have had a couple of weeks to get my headspace right and to dip my toes in the whole exercising/eating wholesome foods waters and I could feel a change was happening in me --- which took me by surprise!!! And I suddenly wanted to shout it out there and share my little journey with my online friends. I have suddenly become all consumed with eating wholesome foods and actually EXERCISING EACH DAY ...
I didn't expect to embrace the program like I have. I didn't expect to feel as motivated as I do. I didn't expect to be enjoying the food we are eating. I am still not at the point of LOVING the exercise part but I am doing it.. and getting there and maybe, one day, I will actually LIKE to exercise.
The entire program is somewhat amazing.
Michelle has put together such a well thought out, organised, motivating and easy to follow program! There's weekly videos, weigh ins, competitions, weekly surprises, live stream videos where we can log in and ask questions, our meal plan and shopping list for the week, an exercise plan, our stats page where we can enter our weight each week and lots of tips, advice, motivation and friendly, welcoming people also on the program in the forums!
You can read why I am doing the 12WBT program here.And because I like to write and document and because I do enjoy blogging, and also because I don't want to overload this blog with too many 12WBT posts, I have started up a 12WBT blog where I can keep track of what's happening and hopefully, *fingers crossed* look back and see the change in me as the program progresses.
I've said it. I am now trying to get OFF those 7 extra kilos that have crept on over the past few years! I am now determined to eat wholesome foods and to get fit and healthy in 2010!
Wish me luck:)