EDITED TO ADD: The fancy font I have used for the word "Saturday" on my blog is a Ali Edwards Days + Months Hand Drawn Brush I bought from here.
The puppies survived their 6 week Vet check yesterday. They weren't too sure about their car ride though. Some of them were champs and sat there in their little travelling tub quite happily.
Banjo couldn't settle and was a little distressed. So I held him on my lap in the front of the car while Ken drove the 20 minutes to the Vet. He had a full belly as Ken had fed and wormed them all before we left.
We now know that Banjo gets car sick! Fantastic.
And yes, threw up the entire contents of his stomach all over me, my pants, the car seat and his own little paws. We had a small amount of paper towel with us for any accidents but hadn't anticipated any accidents from the top end.
Capri came with us to help. Kenny was quite relaxed there waiting in the waiting room for the Vet. He wouldn't have been quite so laid back if he knew what was coming next and where the Vet was actually going to stick that thermometer!!!

The Vet was a lovely man and it took a while to get them all vaccinated and microchipped ready for them to go to new homes in the next to weeks. It will be so sad to wave them goodbye and I would love for us to keep one of them. We will see.
We have two buyers so far without even advertising which is great. The Vet said we can also do up a flyer with photos and add it to their notice board. He said they have some success with puppies being sold through their clinic and he also added that we wouldn't have any trouble selling them as they are good looking little puppies. Hope he's right.
One of Ken's work colleagues is coming out today to choose the puppy she wants. All the puppies cried except Max (Capri's puppy!) when they had their microchipping. Max was so brave.
And they all passed with flying colours. In fact the Vet said that they were incredibly healthy and obviously very well looked after! They're still being fed by Roxy as well as having small amounts of puppy food and puppy milk...so they are certainly well fed.
No more accidents with Banjo on the way home thankfully but then his belly was empty and there was nothing left to eject! And I kept him far away from me this time.
Home again and a quick drink at the milk bar!
Here's some other photos taken a few days ago of them..they are really starting to explore the backyard and get around. Some are more daring than others. We've found a few crying pitifully from down the back steps as they have managed to get down a few steps but can't get back up again. And they get quite distressed.
Most of the time they hang out. And go exploring.
It's been so hot..they like to hang around the water supply!
and just relax.
and have a bit of a nap here and there.
and they are just getting fluffier and fluffier!