Sunday again...
What's been happening here?
Lots of family stuff. School hols almost done. Kids go back tomorrow. I enjoy the not having to get out of the house by 8.45am thing during the holidays but can only do it for so long. I need routine. We all operate much better in this house with a routine.
I have pretty much stepped back from my work commitments these last two weeks. I have cleared a few small deadlines but have several larger ones I need to attend to once school goes back. But it's been good to have a bit of a break.
Went to the movies on Friday. Jamison and his friend Jarryd went to see Garfield 2 (which they said was funny) - this was the first time either of them have been allowed to sit in the cinema without an adult so both of them were suitably excited about this..I had no interest in Garfield (although I must admit I did have an obsession with that orange cat in my late teens and even had a plush Garfield with suction feet that stuck to the side window of my little 1981 blue Laser - my first car!!!)
So I took Capri and Jemima to see Step Up.
Had no real idea if it would be suitable for two young girls but it was PG and the preview seemed tame enough. And it was good. Some of the more adult themes went over their heads and they just enjoyed the dancing and music and singing!
Jemima is the daughter of our neighbours. She is like part of the furniture here. And her parents are good friends of ours. Capri and Jemima are so similar in personality and I am thankful they have each other. Both love to sing and dance and make up plays...both so theatrical. And are always entertaining us with their creations!
Friday night we spent at Jemima's home for dinner. Lovely night. relaxing. Such easy people to be with. Kids all get along. Lots of swimming and eating and talking..
Today we head to the Central Coast for our much anticipated photo shoot with Rach. This is the shoot that has been booked in for months, delayed and postponed..and of course today is overcast, threatening to rain, cold and windy. *sigh* perfect conditions for a photo shoot!!! NOT.
I just hope my kids cooperate.
They have been terrible lately when I get out the camera. ALL of them. I hear a collective groan when they see me heading their way with a camera pointed at them.
So wish us luck!
Other news?
Um, I am teaching another home class. This time I am teaching only a few minutes from home which is really exciting. My class will run on Saturday 28 October which is 2weeks yesterday from 2-4pm. Class costs $10 per person.. I am teaching for a lovely girl called Kim (great name hey!) who runs an online store called Scrap Direct as well as sells through the Maitland Markets. She has a great range. I was impressed with all the new products she had!
Kim has just started with a few classes run in her home and has asked me to teach as well. We can fit in about 12 people and already have bookings ...
sooo, anyone in the Newcastle area interested in coming along..just drop Kim an email for details or to book a place. Her email address is [email protected]
Sneak peek of my first class is below..
There's also a boy version...but we are waiting on some of the Scenic Route papers to arrive before I can create it..
And finally, now that the kids are returning to school I will be working hard on the next series of my online workshops. *THANKYOU* for all your emails asking when the next classes will be.
Hoping to announce things about mid week..
Oh and it's Idol night! yay.