Time to update!
Scrapboxx newsletter is out..here's my latest layout..I am a HUGE procrastinator which is what my journaling is all about in this layout - although I always get the job done especially with a deadline looming..but I do fluff around sometimes instead of getting on with it all!
I had this layout due (overdue!!) on the Friday afternoon. The same afternoon we were going to High School Musical. The same afternoon I had other stuff due. And we were heading to Canberra first thing the next morning. In the middle of that the kids needed to be fed before we left for the show and Brandt needed to be driven to work. And I hadn't even STARTED packing for Canberra.
So what do you do when you have a to do list as long as your arm to get through?
You trace and cut out all your patchwork quilt applique shapes ready to take to Canberra to stitch while you are away!!! You do a blog post and you design a new blog banner. So that made a great subject for the theme of 'habits' I had for the newsletter and I got the layout finished. And I got Brandt to work. And the kids got fed before High School Musical. And I packed and we managed to still get out of the house and on the road to Canberra by 8.20am Saturday morning. A mighty fine effort if I do say so myself!
Now, for the family. Some pics from Canberra. Yep. A while ago now but I still want to add these photos in! Our visit to Canberra was certainly a flying visit but we managed to pack quite a lot into the few days we were there.
Kids got to catch up with their cousins. We caught up with family. And we spent a great afternoon/dinner with our lovely farm friends Rob, Lyn and kids! Always great to see them. And breathe in the country air. Lyn is Mrs Crafty Queen and I LOVED checking out all her beautiful patchwork pieces especially now I have a new found interest in stitching!!! She creates the most gorgeous stitched projects (and teddies!!) and her home is filled with craftiness!!
I met Lyn and her girls, with Capri at Ainslee's brand new scrapbook store..Scrap Junkie. Such a lovely location!! And a great new premises for Ainslee. PLUS HUGE bonus- I got to meet Yvette!! For the very first time. And she's tall. Mega tall. And strikingly gorgeous!! And such a lovely girl! One of those people you instantly warm to. I felt like I could sit and chat with her all day!!! I also got to meet Tassy!! And she was a lovely thing too - full of personality!!
Lyn generously took Capri and her girls for a drive for an ice cream so I could have some time visiting with Yvette at the shop. Ainslee made us a cuppa and we got to have a really good chat!! And some shopping of course!
here we are:
And here we are with Ainslee..and Tassy too.
And here's some farm photos..(not so good - blurry and a bit dodgy but the kids had a ball on that quad!!)

We also went to the Kingston markets - always love visiting there. And out for dinner to APK Pizza Kitchen - another fave spot. And out for drinks for Ken's cousin Corinne's hubby's birthday (try and say that fast!) at their new pub they have just bought. And coffee at Kingston with Ken's sister and her kids.
All in all. Quite a social three days!
here's a few pics of the kids and their cousins..
And thats all for now. Tomorrow I have some news. And a little comp. Details tomorrow morning!